Scale & Thrive Co.

Marketing & Business Development TOGETHER bring the biggest IMPACT

At Scale & Thrive Co., we offer a wide range of services to help you make your vision of a wildly successful business a reality. Our working process is like no other and is the secret sauce to massive growth.

Let's be honest, running your business is overwhelming. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING, BUT YOU CAN'T DO EVERYTHING

We understand that every business is unique and so is the business owner who founded it. That’s why we offer a range of services to fit most budgets, needs, and capacities. From single sessions to done with you to done for you services, you’ve got options. On average, our clients invest between $2,500 to $5,500 for our packages.

This investment ensures that you receive top-notch service and a strategic approach that delivers results.


Your business is in a rut or completely plateaued. Maybe you’re wondering where’s all that success and growth you’ve achieved in the past?


You still want to be looped in and make CEO level decisions, but you don’t want to be in the day to day. Ain’t nobody got time for that!


You want things done the right way and FAST. You don’t want to have to pick and choose when it comes to your success.

"I highly recommend Ashley for any of your business needs! She knows just the right questions to ask to really get you thinking about your business and what you want it to look like moving forward! She was able to help me come up with a very strategic plan in order to better serve my clients! Whether you already have a plan in place or are overwhelmed with where to go next, Ashley can help you gain the clarity you need!"

Haylee Klees

“Working with Ashley has been so great for my business and marketing! She brings new ideas to my business and how I can market myself, ways I didn’t think of before. I love the support she gives. I actually feel seen by a coach. She supports my ideas outside of my business, even the ones that may be completely different than my business lol but she supports me nonetheless! Her feedback is great and she has a quick turn around time. Personally, I sometimes dread calls, but calls with Ashley never feel like a drag. She’s definitely someone you want in your corner when it comes to your business!”
Karla Morales


Strategy is what separates those just winging it from the ones really in the game for maximum growth. No more staring at your laptop wondering what’s actually moving the needle here. We’ll map out your entire game plan so you can outsource implementation to your team (or hand it off to us, no sweat). We’ll build your strategy to grow your business efficiently, profitably, and with way more flexibility for fam time.

These are the types of strategies and plans we can create for you:

These are separate offers or add ons and start at $2,500


For those who are serious about sustainable growth, we’ve got two power-packages to help turn your big vision into reality. Whether you’re looking for a focused 1:1 Strategy Session or ongoing strategic guidance PLUS done for you implementation to execute your quarterly action plan, we’ve got you covered. These are perfect for those who want to be hands on and a step above just DIYing their business.

starting at $500

Signature Offers

Our Signature Offers are the glow-up your business needs to go all out. Whether you want to refresh existing products with a relaunch, create a digital offering from scratch, or just finally get your operations on point – we’ll crush the entire process from vision to execution. Seriously, these packages provide all the expert strategy and hands-on support to jumpstart your growth like no other. Just let us know what floats your boat!

starting at $2,500 per month

Custom Growth Packages

Our Growth Marketing Retainers are the done-for-you solution handling every single aspect of your growth hustle from grand strategy down to nuts-and-bolts execution. Our savvy team of marketing wizards and project gurus will go deep understanding YOUR potential areas for growth, audience, and goals.

starting at $75/hr

How it WORKS

Let us know what offer or services you’re interested in and the budget you’re working with. Not sure what you need or where to start, but KNOW you need help? We offer free audits to give you that direction and action plan!
Based on your needs and goals, we’ll send you a custom proposal with a few package options. This will address your unique needs, relevant deadlines, and budget requirements. If the proposals look good but you have questions, we can schedule a call to make sure you feel good about the package you chose!
Once the contract and invoice are paid, we roll up our sleeves and get to work! Our team of experts will be dedicated to delivering outstanding results for your business and keep you updated every step of the way. Massive growth, here we come!
“If you're looking for clear, efficient, structural and intelligent assistance in building your organizational systems while receiving exceptional support, then your business needs Safa Harris. Working with Safa has not only given me valuable time back to focus on the important work of client acquisition and development, which has increased my business revenue, I've also been able to follow through on new and innovative ideas to take my business to the next level. Before working with Safa I was unorganized, had income opportunities fall through the cracks, and was literally flying by the seat of my pants. Now I can look ahead with focused clarity on the next project I want to tackle for business growth AND have the necessary systems to sustain those projects. Ultimately, I’ve been able to do so much more in much less time and considerable less stress. Having her team on your team is an absolute business necessity. Within 3 months of our working together, Safa has become my rock and together there are no limits to what I can achieve in my business.”
"First off, Ashley is amazing! Before working with her, I felt like I was drowning with all these strategy and marketing ideas that I couldn’t narrow down for my own business. With how overwhelming the virtual world can be, finding a Director of Marketing that can sit down with you, listen to your vision and turn it into a tangible, digestable plan that you can pass off to your team and execute, was a breath of fresh air. She has worked wonders for my business and in the month that I have been working with her, I have already seen an influx in interest, engagement and even clients from the strategy that she had put together for my business. If you are drowning in the sea of marketing, like I was, I strongly suggest working with Ashley. With her business analysis, you’ll be able to scale your business faster than you can say, ‘Holy Shit’! I adore her and would recommend her over and over again!"

Carol Parker Walsh

Angel Dash

Free Marketing & Business Audit

Feel like you’re just not sure what the nest step is to growing your business or getting out of the weeds?

Let us be your guiding light! We’ll take a look at what’s currenty going on in your business and create an action plan to get you moving forward. Absolutely free.

FREE Marketing & Business Audit

Feel like you’re just not sure what the nest step is to growing your business or getting out of the weeds?

Let us be your guiding light! We’ll take a look at what’s currenty going on in your business and create an action plan to get you moving forward. Absolutely free.

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