Scale & Thrive Co.

Hey, it’s nice to meet you, we’re Safa & Ashley

Scale & Thrive Co. was born out of a shared vision and frustration. 

Scale & Thrive wasn’t just some random “let’s start an agency” idea – it was born from our shared hustle struggles and the clear need to offer marketing and operations together, not one or the other.


“Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Allah loves that when any one of you undertakes a task they do it right.”

-Sunan Ibn Majah 4240

After years of being part of the same online communities and having mutual connections, it was through a book club that we finally connected on a personal level.
That’s when it clicked – by combining our distinct strengths- Safa’s operational skillset and Ashley’s marketing experience, we could build the kind of agency we always wanted to see in the online space. One that goes way beyond just handling promotions, but truly takes the burden of implementing plans and activities off your plate.
See, one major gripe we rallied behind was the soul-crushing cycle our clients would go through of vetting contractors and having to perpetually hire and train new folks as they’d inevitably flake. We knew there had to be a better way to just fully pass the execution baton without micromanaging every last detail.
That’s why we manifested Scale & Thrive Co. into existence – a seamless one-stop shop where you can confidently delegate all the marketing, management, and behind-the-scenes logistics to us while staying locked in as a true visionary. Finally, a true partnership where you get to grow your business and make an impact on your customers instead of being a busy bee 24/7.

Our mission is to EMPOWER businesses to achieve EXTRAORDINARY growth and become industry LEADERS.

We know the struggle of trying to do it all and have it all. That’s why our mission is to be your secret weapon – empowering entrepreneurs like you to achieve mind-blowing business growth and making dreams a reality.

How do we make it happen? With a mix of marketing wizardry, seamless operations, and unmatched communication. Our commitment is delivering amazing results through collaborative partnerships and straightforward guidance. We’re not about guessing games over here.
By combining data-backed strategies with innovative thinking, we’ll maximize your untapped potential and make that lasting industry impact you dream about. But our hearts are always in unlocking your unique vision and tackling your unique challenges head on.

No cookie-cutter formulas here – just customized solutions to propel your business growth beyond expectations. We’ve got your back!

We may be a GOOD MATCH if:

Your business is in a rut or completely plateaued. Maybe you’re wondering where’s all that success and growth you’ve achieved in the past?
You still want to be looped in and make CEO level decisions, but you don’t want to be in the day to day. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
You want things done the right way and FAST. You don’t want to have to pick and choose when it comes to your success.

“Before our work together I was only offering retainers and wanted to expand but wasn’t sure where to start or how to scale considering all my time was spent focused on my client’s businesses. I also felt very alone without anyone to brainstorm or bounce ideas off, even though I do planning and strategy for clients – with my own business I’m too close to it and it’s challenging to get a clarity on the best plans and strategy. I now feel I have a clear plan, strategy, and support to expand my business. Knowing Safa is there any I have someone supporting me has made such a difference and lifted the pressure. Her insights are priceless and I feel excited about where my business is going!”

Rebecca W., OBM

“Hiring Ashley to help with my course launch was one of the best decisions I have made! I knew I needed to create strong captions for my course launch on social media, but did not have the marketing knowledge to confidently create them. After talking to Ashley about my needs, she was able to create a custom package that fit my budget and supported my launch plan! …The deliverables I received were above and beyond what I could have done myself and they truly captured my vision for the launch…I highly recommend Ashley for any and all of your marketing needs! ”

Shay Howard, Shay Howard LLC

Let’s Work Together

Starting at $2,500


Strategy is what separates those just winging it from the ones really in the game for maximum growth. No more staring at your laptop wondering what’s actually moving the needle here. We’ll map out your entire game plan so you can outsource implementation to your team (or hand it off to us, no sweat). We’ll build your strategy to grow your business efficiently, profitably, and with way more flexibility for fam time.

Starting at $2,500 per month

Signature Offers

Our Signature Offers are the glow-up your business needs to go all out. Whether you want to refresh existing products with a relaunch, create a digital offering from scratch, or just finally get your operations on point – we’ll crush the entire process from vision to execution. Seriously, these packages provide all the expert strategy and hands-on support to jumpstart your growth like no other. Just let us know what floats your boat!

Starting at $1,500 per month


For those who are serious about sustainable growth, we’ve got two power-packages to help turn your big vision into reality. Whether you’re looking for a focused 1:1 Strategy Session or ongoing strategic guidance PLUS done for you implementation to execute your quarterly action plan, we’ve got you covered. These are perfect for those who want to be hands on and a step above just DIYing their business.

Starting at $2,500 per month

Custom Growth Packages

Our Growth Marketing Retainers are the done-for-you solution handling every single aspect of your growth hustle from grand strategy down to nuts-and-bolts execution. Our savvy team of marketing wizards and project gurus will go deep understanding YOUR potential areas for growth, audience, and goals.

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